Join us for worship

Sunday gatherings at 10:30am and 6:30pm

What to expect

At our Sunday gatherings, we worship God through music, praying, proclaiming God's Word, observing baptism and communion, and testifying of God's mighty works here and around the world.

Our intent is to praise God in all that we do, including our music which is a mix of hymns and more contemporary songs.
Preaching Style
Our teaching is most often expositional, nurturing passages of God's Word verse-by-verse.
Come as you are! We welcome casual dress, formal dress, & everything in between.
Morning Service
A more traditional service of singing, praying, and hearing the Word preached.
Evening Service
This shorter service is focused on church family prayer. We sing, hear a brief homily, and pray together.
Info for parents

Nursery for ages 0-4

Parents must sign in their children at the nursery and sign out at the end of the service. Children are dismissed for nursery right before the sermon


Sunday School for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 7

Children are welcome to attend the main service and are excused before the sermon to attend the Sunday School

A fun time is dedicated to teaching young ones about God and the Bible in a prepared lesson suited to their age

Learn more
Get connected
  1. Fill out a connections card found in the back of the pew

  2. Find a friendly face in the aisle after the service

  3. Reach out to the Pastors, Elders or Deacons to get connected with one of our ministries