In the book of Genesis, the account of Joseph takes up 13 of the book’s 50 chapters. If you have never read this story before, I highly recommend you do so.
In short, Joseph is the 11th of the 12 sons of Jacob and his favoured son. Thus, Joseph’s brothers are jealous and sell him into slavery in Egypt. But God’s hand is upon Joseph throughout, and there in Egypt, he rises to become the most powerful person in the land apart from Pharaoh himself. And so, when a seven-year famine comes upon the world at that time, Joseph is the one whom God uses to preserve people through the famine, ironically including his own brothers.
Then at the conclusion of the account, after the death of Jacob, Joseph’s brothers are fearful that their powerful brother will use the opportunity to take revenge on them. But Joseph assures them, “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order… to save many people alive.”
That is, God providentially orchestrated the amazing events of Joseph’s life to preserve lives, but in particular, to preserve Jacob’s family. And why is that important? Because the great, great... grandson of Jacob is Jesus. Thus, God through the life of Joseph, not only saved many from starvation by a famine but also gave the world the One who would save people from their sins: Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Pastor Craig Montgomery, Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist YouTube sermon channel: “Pastor Craig Montgomery”