Reading and praying together
Discipleship groups (D-groups) are gatherings of believers reading God's Word, praying and singing together in one another's homes
What can I expect?

D-groups have a slightly different feel from a traditional bible study in a couple of ways. Below is typical night at D-group

7:00 - Meet, Greet, and Eat!

Fellowship is always better with food.

7:15 - Sing and Pray

We sing a couple of favourites and then pray through selected Scripture together.

7:30 - Study the Word

Together, we study God’s Word, verse by verse, with some guiding questions to help us understand the text together.

8:15 - Encouragement and Prayer as Men and Women

After the study time, the men and women split up for a sharing and prayer time. Why split up? We believe that men are to encourage one another to be the husbands, fathers, brothers and sons that God has called them to be. So too, we believe the older women are to teach the younger, and that they are to mutually encourage each other to be godly wives, mothers, sisters and daughters.

Special Events and Times of Fellowship

Groups may also organize a night of fellowship once a month, where food and being social are the main event.

Is there a special group for me?

D-groups are a mix of young and old, married and single, newlywed and families with children, together! We believe that in the family of God, you belong, no matter your stage in life! Living in community does not discriminate based on age, and we are to learn from both young and old about how to live godly lives.

How do I join?

If you call CFBC your home church, this is an invitation to you! Send an email to our associate pastor who will connect with you about joining a D-group.

Email our pastor